Oak Grove Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

Placement Concerns for 2020-2021? Questions?

This form is provided so you may notify the school of any significant concerns that should be taken into consideration as classes are organized for the 2020-2021 school year. The deadline for completing this form is March 1, 2020. Specific teacher requests will not be honored. However, there are often specific needs which the school should be aware of prior to the formation of of class lists.  If your child has such needs, please fill out this form to let us know. 

This form is for administrative use only and will not be shared with teachers.  If your child has needs that you wish for the teacher to know, you must contact him/her directly once the class placement is known.  Thank you for your input. It will be considered when decisions for the 2020-2021 school year are made.